Join a Committee

Committees in our association are very important to the day-to-day operations. Although, power and authority is limited to the committee itself and to its purpose, committees make recommendations to the Board of Directors, are watch groups for their area of purpose and they serve the homeowner members in specific purposes and activities. Common in most homeowner associations is the lack of volunteer participation serving our committees. We are very grateful to those who serve us, and thank them for their volunteer service to all homeowners. These dedicated members have openly participated in this HOA and are united in creating unity of all homeowners living in Bristol Ridge and Bristol Valley.
Our Homeowner’s Association continues to thrive and develop by active participation in committees formed by the Board of Directors. Each committee chairperson has been appointed and/or approved by the Board and is in essence an extension of your Board of Directors. Each committee has certain charges/goals to complete and may make recommendations or requests of the Board of Directors or both in some cases.
Our HOA Committees meet as necessary to their purpose, take meeting minutes, and have membership lists, agendas, events and committee guidelines that should all be in compliance with the Bylaws of the Association made available to the Board if requested. If the committee spends HOA funds they are to participate in the budget process with the Association President and Board of Directors annually. At least the committee chairperson should be present at the Annual HOA Meeting and in some cases, they may be asked to speak briefly to update the members on the committee’s activities or services provided.
All homeowners are encouraged to participate in the association. Please review the individual committee responsibilities on the BRBV HOA website and contact Wanda Barrero direct if you would like to serve.  The only requirements for committee membership is that you are a BRBV homeowner, that your HOA dues are current and that you actively participate in the activities of the committee and the Association.
Please contact Board President Wanda Barrero to learn more about the responsibilities or to join a specific committee.